It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the County Assembly of Tharaka Nithi’s website.

As Speaker of the second County Assembly, my goal is to continue building on parliamentary democracy through the stewardship of the House by acting fairly and in the interests of all people of Tharaka Nithi. This website is a very important tool that is ensuring that the people exercise their Constitutional right to information.

I commit to providing all members with the opportunity to be heard on behalf of their respective wards, and ensure members’ contributions in the Assembly are of the highest possible standard.

It is obligatory upon all members of the House to act with dignity and decorum – reflecting the trust the people of Tharaka Nithi have placed in us.

  • Presiding over the debates of the County Assembly at every sitting of the Assembly
  • Enforce the observance of the Constitution, the Standing Orders, relevant statute and Assembly traditions, procedures and practices
  • Disciplining members of County Assembly for misconduct in the county assembly,
  • Issuing orders and making rules for the regulation of visitors to the County Assembly precincts
  • Administer the oath of affirmation to Members
  • Protect the rights of the minority while making sure that the majority have their way,
  • Organize the business of the House as he or she is the Chairman of the House Business Committee
  • Spokesperson of the County Assembly and shall ensure that the dignity of the County Assembly and by extension, the Assembly, is upheld and its rights and privileges are not abused

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